Helping keep Jack mobile

Always smiling Jack Geitl and his mother Petra Geitl need a little community help.


THE mother of eight-year-old Jack Geitl is making a heartfelt appeal to raise funds for a disability access vehicle.
Jack has already captured the hearts of many Noosa residents, who have kicked off fundraising, but behind the scenes the family has been fighting a silent battle to transport Jack to and from his many weekly activities.
Jack was born with cerebral palsy and while he attends school daily and lives an active and happy life, his single mother Petra often struggles with Jack’s transport.
The call for help has already prompted a response from the Noosa Tewantin RSL, Noosa Surf Lifesavings Club and the Noosa Tewantin Lions Club who have been extremely generous with time and fundraising – but more help is needed.
“We take a cab each morning to school where Jack has his electric wheelchair and is able to move more freely,” she said.
“He has a range of activities each week and sometimes we’ve been forced to take the bus, which is okay, it’s just makes things more difficult.”
Petra said she had made several appeals to local businesses to help her with saving, but no one had answered her calls.
“We’ve found a suitable vehicle and we’re already saving for it, we just need some extra help to reach our goal,” she said.
The family have looked at a second-hand Toyota Estima, which is a modified Tarago and allows Jack to wheel himself in and out of the vehicle with independence.
The vehicle is priced at around $30,000, which is far outside of the family’s budget.
“There’s still a long way to go, but we’re determined and hope the community can throw us a lifeline,” she said.
Anyone wanting to get in touch with Petra and Jack, and to make a donation, should contact Noosa Today on (07) 5455 6946.