Wild way to train dogs

WHEN you have problems with your dog, it really is as simple as a communication breakdown. Your dog is another species and owners try in vain, to communicate with them on the human level, but they simply don’t understand what they are being taught.
Every dog and every situation is different, and that is why Bark Busters’ trainer Fiona Wild can help solve problems you have with your dog.“Bark Busters takes a holistic approach and doesn’t set impossible tasks to get the results you need. They take into account your dog’s temperament, environment, diet, level of control you have, and both your personalities,” Fiona said.
“Your lifestyle has to be taken into account, too. For example, it is silly to ask you to walk your dog every day if you are working full time.”
Bark Busters take a completely different approach to what most people would expect. For example, they do not use food or any physical reprimands whatsoever. They believe that hands are meant for kindness and should never be used to get your ’message’ across. Neither do they ignore undesirable behaviour, Fiona said.
“Education in the right way is the key and keeping it simple is very important for their clients. Complicated measures that get slow results over time is not good enough for Bark Busters. They want you to see results on the day and make it easy to maintain it.
“Your dog will always challenge you and you need to know how to deal with it so it doesn’t escalate.”
If you just want your dog to be happy and obedient and a great addition to your family, then Bark Busters training is a wonderful way to go.
“Bark Busters really cares about your satisfaction and the health and welfare of your treasured family member,” Fiona said.
“When I come to your home, I put myself in your position. I understand how stressful or frustrating an unruly dog can be and that is why I love what I do.
“It’s a wonderful thing to see a huge difference in just one lesson, and I make it as enjoyable and easy for everyone as I possibly can.
“We have a free advice line and our website is loaded with great information. Even if you just want to chat with me about your dog – good or bad – I am happy to do that too.”
You can contact Fiona on the free call number 1800 067 710 or go to the Bark Busters website -www.barkbusters.com.au