They like to move it, move it

Experts recommend children get active for up to 60 minutes a day.

REGULAR physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, with experts recommending kids should move and play every day.
According to Healthy Kids, undertaking physical activity and encouraging good habits in children from an early age can help them develop the skills they need to continue being active throughout their lives.
Healthy Kids said children between the age of five and 12 years could greatly benefit from getting outside for some fun.
Physical activity is also believed to promote healthy growth and development, build strong bones and muscles, improve balance and skills, plus help children achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Experts warn children that are not physically active enough won’t have the chance to gain these benefits and are at an increased risk of becoming overweight or obese.
It is recommended children should participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity, including things that make them “huff” and “puff”, each day.
To help achieve this, see the Noosa Today list of Move, Sing and Play providers that can help keep your children active, learn new skills and make new friends.