Reading for pleasure

Sunshine Beach students hunt through an absolute treasure trove of books.

THE Sunshine Beach State School recently held their annual book fair to help encourage students to read and learn.
Students are encouraged to not only develop their learning skills but to read for pleasure, and with Christmas fast approaching, the book fair is a great way for families to find some great books.
Parents and carers are encouraged to join their children in an imaginative world only discovered between the pages of books.
Year 5 student Tilli Enright said, for her, the Book Fair was a cosy little corner where she could buy her favourite books.
Sunshine Beach State School’s master teacher Jo Kearney said ensuring children were immersed in quality literature was one of the “most valuable things we could do for our children”.
“It provides children with the opportunity to respond to literature, as well as cultural knowledge, emotional intelligence, creativity, social and personal development. Exposing children to quality literature can contribute to the creation of responsible, successful, and caring individuals,” she said.
Not only did the students and their families benefit from being involved, but the school benefitted immensely as books are given back to the school library based on the total sold.
Co-vice president of the P and C committee Jane Lethlean said there was a positive, enthusiastic atmosphere at the Book Fair.
“The students of Sunshine Beach State School love browsing through the vast array of books, posters and stationery on offer. Students are so proud when they purchase a book that they have selected,” she said.