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A bus crashed into trees of the Walter Hay Drive roundabout on Tuesday morning, and our Facebook likers were worried about the speed of buses:
“Don’t know what happened but I think some of those buses go too fast.” – Cindy Wright
Two protest marches met in Noosa Woods on Thursday 9 April. Some of our Facebook likers were there:
“I went down on my own. Was split for both causes.” – Michiela Stonehouse
“Oh man! Wish I could have been there.” – Bel Banfield
“Yeah, good effort!” – Samia Goudie
And it seems the summer heat has finally broken with glorious Autumn days for the past week and more expected for the week to come:
“Turned it on for Tony.” – Glenda Colin Herriot
“A gorgeous day at last! So humid this year.” – Jennifer Woodhouse
“Sure is! Don’t we live in paradise.” – Annie Owens