Mates make their mark

Peter Williams, Simon Sauer, Anton Mogg and Ken Edwards.


THE recent visit to Noosa by a group of 10 disabled British serviceman and 10 Australian servicemen was definitely a feather in the cap for organiser Donald McKill and his back-up team.
Donald, himself a former member of the British Royal Marines and now living in Noosa, organised the visit through the Queensland based Mates 4 Mates.
Following a welcome dinner hosted by the Noosa Surf Club then a meet and greet with lifesaving members, a fund-raising day was held at the Noosa Springs Golf Club. After the game, a social evening courtesy of the golf club was held and auctions were conducted.
As a result, last week at a luncheon held at the Noosa Surf Club a cheque for several thousand dollars was handed to the Queensland CEO of Mates 4 Mates Simon Sauer.
Representing Donald McKill, Mates representatives Peter Williams and Ken Edwards ably supported by surf club manager Anton Mogg, conducted the hand over.
Receiving the donation, Simon said: “Thank you for this but above all else, thank you and all involved for the great functions and in particular the hand of friendship extended to our servicemen. I know how much this has meant to both our British guests and our own people”.
Being an ex-serviceman with 26 years in the Royal Australian Air Force, it was obvious that his thanks were indeed very sincere.
“These funds will go towards helping us in our work with the physical, mental challenges, and rehabilitations required getting the veterans back in the work force. Once again our sincere thanks.”