A PETITION to prevent a major development from being built at Yaroomba near Coolum is gathering momentum.
Japanese development giant Sekisui House has proposed an estimated $1.1 billion development for Yaroomba which includes several 12 storey high-rises, a luxury resort, resident accommodation and retail spaces.
Speculation has also surfaced that the Japanese company may also be planning the construction of a casino, however, this has not yet been confirmed by the company.
A Sekisui House spokesman has confirmed the company will submit a development application with Sunshine Coast Council next year.
The change.org petition which is being compiled for submission to Sunshine Coast Council has gained almost 1570 signatures and growing. The petition is titled; ‘Stop high-rise and inappropriate development at Yaroomba/Mt Coolum, Sunshine Coast’.
The site also calls on those opposing the development to sign a letter addressed to both Clive Palmer MP and Sunshine Coast Council.
The letter highlights several concerns with the proposed development including any structures above three storeys, any proposal affecting the Yaroomba foreshore and parabolic dunes, any proposal which would impact audibly and visually on all surrounding residents, in particular a theme park and high-rise buildings and any proposal that is disharmonious with the natural environment and cultural lifestyle of the region.
Comments from those who have signed the petition included comparisons to the Gold Coast and the disadvantages to the region’s natural appeal.
“We are very fortunate to live in such a pristine place and we don’t want another Gold Coast. If this project is allowed to happen it will be the start of a new benchmark in development. We’ve seen it all before,” one comment reads.