Noosa Civic on double figures

Noosa Civic turns 10.

By Hollie Harris

CENTRE manager of Noosa Civic Brian Turner was proud to announce the centre’s 10th birthday last week.
“Noosa Civic is proud to be celebrating 10 years as part of the community, and we value the role we continue to play as a hub for residents and visitors to the area,” Mr Turner said.
“In my more than four years as centre manager, I have been particularly proud of our many community partnerships which have delivered a wide range of events, activities and programs that champion local priorities.
“One such project, ‘The Community Pantry’, is a recently established collection point in the centre where people can donate food items for distribution to those in need through a partnership with OzHarvest’s regional food rescue program, REAP.
“We have received an overwhelmingly positive response from the local community for this program so far,” he said.
Noosa Civic has a number of exciting events coming soon with plenty of fun family friendly activities planned including school holiday entertainment with Santa’s arrival, on Saturday 12 November.
“We know these festivities are highly anticipated, thanks to the fantastic feedback we get from customers and visitors to the centre.
“Noosa Civic will also be partnering again this Christmas with not-for-profit organisation Noosa Integrated Catchment Association (NCIA), to celebrate the natural environment and lifestyle of the Noosa community with a focus on reducing environmental impacts, particularly during the festive season,” Mr Turner said.