Crash course in Schoolies safety

Students prepare for the life-like "crash" on their school oval.

YEAR 12 students were given a timely reminder to drive safe as they head off for Schoolies celebrations on the Gold Coast tomorrow (Saturday 19 November) thanks to a crash simulation on the school oval.
Each year students from Noosa District State High School (NDSHS) take part in a doco-drama that highlights the horrors simple mistakes can lead to on busy roads.
The rural fire brigade along with local paramedics and police showed students how victims of car accidents are rescued by cutting off the crashed car’s doors.
Year 12 drama students Georgia Leslie, Nicola Hewitt, Hugh Wallace and Lillian Vernon all took on the roles of crash victims with life-like special effects make-up artistry thanks to Year 12 student Maisie Blunden.
Drama teacher Louize Lyle said she was proud of her students’ amazing efforts.
“I really hope the doco-drama will make the Year 12 students think twice about the choices they make about both driving and being a passenger,“ Ms Lyle said.
The students underwent a debrief with the emergency services, the school guidance officer and lawyers, who were all able to provide unique perspectives and insights into the ramifications of road accidents.
The students were also provided with important legal and safety advice for Schoolies Week from the Noosa Police’s Senior Constable Darryn Parkes, before undergoing a rehearsal for their graduation ceremony.
“I am so proud of all of my Year 12 students and all of your achievements this year and can’t wait to watch you all walk across the stage on Thursday night as gorgeous young adults ready to embrace the real world,“ Ms Lyle said.
NDSHS staff and teachers wish the graduates of 2016 well, and it is hoped they stay safe, taking heed of all the important life lessons taught this week.