community notices

Save the date
“The Birth of the Saviour” will be the theme at Christian Fellowship of Noosa on Sunday 21 December. The customary warm welcome awaits local residents and holiday makers alike. Our meeting place is the CWA Hall next to the Tewantin Post Office, from 9.30am. Our website is currently under construction, but Tony is always available for a chat on 5474 0620.
Boxing Day bash
Barker’s Beagle Boxing Day bash 2014 will be held at the Pomona Showgrounds, from 2pm, on Boxing Day. There will be a bar. Please bring a plate or bowl of food such as salad, vegetables or nibbles. Musicians can bring their own instruments and amps. PA system and drums will be supplied. Pig on a spit. Camping available and recommended. All welcome.
Dying with Dignity
Our next meeting will be held at the CWA Hall, Memorial Avenue, Maroochydore, on Wednesday 21 January, at 2pm. Afternoon tea will be served and parking is available at the door. Guest speaker is from RACQ who will talk about driving for the older generation.
Our society lobbies politicians “to have the law in Queensland changed so that, subject to appropriate safeguards, residents suffering intolerably can receive assistance to die peacefully and painlessly. This help must be in accordance with that person’s expressed direction”. We believe that all adult Australians should have choice in their end of life decisions. Polls agree that 82 per cent of adult Australians want control over their end of life decisions. If this is your belief, help us achieve our aim and come join us. We need people power to make our politicians listen.
Any inquiries, please phone Joan on 5443 5576 or June on 5437 3627.