Peel the wear away

Riverside Beauty dermal clinician, Susan Priestley.


I LOVE summer. It’s a time to drink too many cocktails, become a social butterfly and spend way too long lazing in the sun with a good book and no second coat of sunscreen.
When I was in my teens, I would finish summer looking tanned, refreshed and ready for the year ahead, but now, hurtling towards 30, I just end up looking haggard, bloated and somewhat leathery.
The raw truth is, as we age our skin simply needs more care. Kind of like a good pair of heels. You need to look after them if you want them to last another party season.
My face wipes and cheap moisturisers weren’t cutting it anymore so it was time to seek professional advice.
Susan Priestley is a dermal clinician at Riverside Beauty, Noosaville, and while the job title sounds scary, she is anything but. Apart from the “tsk tsk” muttered when I said I remove make-up with a $2 bag of face wipes, Susan was understanding and full of expert advice to get my skin rejuvenated.
Susan’s recommendation after a summer full of sun was a Pomegranate Peel and IPL Skin Rejuvenation treatment package.
Cosmedix peels are designed to smooth away imperfections, reverse sun damage and brighten the complexion (hallelujah!) and with a name such as Pomegranate Peel, I was excited to see the results. There is a slight tingling sensation as the peel is a lactic acid based peel, but the acids work to create hydration and improve moisture retention leaving my skin plump, healthy and hydrated.
Stage two, IPL. You may have heard of IPL, or Intense Pulse Light therapies, used to remove hair or dark pigmentation. The technology can also be used on the face to improve the condition and texture of sun-damaged skin. Age-spots, broken capillaries, freckles and pigmentation are also on the hit list. But the best use for IPL, in my opinion, is the stimulation of anti-aging collagen growth. Collagen equals youthful skin. Yay.
The entire treatment took less than an hour and I left Riverside Beauty with a new cleanser, plans to invest in Vitamin A cream and much finer forehead wrinkles than the day before.
It’s been a week since the treatment and the frown lines between my brows are much fainter, the skin on my nose and chin is still smooth and I have finally found a good-quality Vitamin A cream to keep up my new beauty regime.
Riverside Beauty is on Thomas Street, Noosaville. Phone 5449 9744.