Time for a big clean-up

The Tourism Noosa clean-up crew at the 2013 Clean Up Australia Day event. Picture: ANDREW MILLNER

LAST year more than 500 volunteers collected over nine tonnes of rubbish throughout the Noosa Shire as part of Clean Up Australia Day.
This year marks 21 years since Clean Up Australia Day came to Noosa, with 30 clean-up sites already registered for the 8 March event.
Councillor Joe Jurisevic will lead the clean-up efforts again as the volunteer co-ordinator for the Noosa region along with Tony Haslam and the Noosa Integrated Catchment Association.
Cr Jurisevic said community involvement was growing each year, with more sites added to the list.
“Council has once again contributed funds to ensure the day is a success in our region,” he said.
More information on how to register as a volunteer on the day will be released soon.