WOW, what a way to end our 2014/15 season of Nippers.
The sun was shining as bright as the smiles on the all faces of our Nippers as they joined in our final fun day.
Parents, grandparents and siblings were all encouraged to join in the fun. We had our friends from Surf Volley set up a couple of beach volleyball courts, inflatable craft, water trampolines, water bombs, slip and slide, sack races as well as water and land-based games.
Then every Nipper was presented with their own Noosa Heads SLSC gold medal to commemorate the season. As well, our generous sponsors Bakers Delight, Noosa Junction, provided every Nipper (530) with a freshly baked hot-cross bun.
Our under-13s and under-14s were put into teams of seven and took part in an Amazing Race, that had them searching for clues from the Surf Club to Hastings Street to Lions Park even to the top of the Stairs. At the completion all went upstairs for an early lunch of chicken burgers. iTune vouchers were given to the champion team while everyone received their medal and hot-cross bun.
Good luck to all our under-11 to under-15 competitors who will contest the Junior State Titles at Maroochydore from the Friday to Sunday and do not forget our formal presentation night will take place at The ‘J’ on Friday 27 March.
Finally a big thank you to all who make Nippers happen, we are all volunteers but all the effort is repaid a thousand fold when you see the smiles on their faces.