Another fire hits

Police have declared another emergency situation in Coolum as winds whip up another grassfire.

Police have declared another emergency situation in Coolum this afternoon, due to a major fire that has restarted in vicinity of a water park in Coolum.
The declaration was made at 12.50pm today and includes the area in Coolum around the boundary of Yandina Coolum Road, Toolborough Road, North-arm Yandina Creek Road, Zgrajewski Road, Perigian Spring Drive, Doonam Bridge Road, Emu Mountain Road, Sunshine Motorway and Yandina Coolum Road.
Police and other emergency services are currently at the scene and are assisting with evacuations on Arcoona Road and Doonan Bridge Road. Anyone without a reason for being in the area is asked to leave immediately.
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) is advising residents in the vicinity of Zgrajewski Road, Arcoona Road and Yandina Coolum Road, Coolum to enact their bushfire plans.
At 1.35pm on January 20 a large bushfire was located at Coolum. The large and fast moving fire is travelling in a south-westerly direction and is expected to impact the areas of Zgrajewski Road, Arcoona Road and Yandina Coolum Road, Coolum around 3pm.
This fire is moving quickly and firefighters are experiencing difficulty in controlling it. Spot fires may occur ahead of the fire front and embers are also being thrown from the fire.
The fire is expected to impact on the Coolum community and there is a chance that some property may be lost. Power, water and mobile phone services may be lost in the area over the next several hours.
It will be very hot and windy and as the fire approaches it may become increasingly difficult to see, hear or breathe.
Residents are strongly advised to leave now if their plan is to do so, or if they don’t have a plan. Leaving is the safest option for survival.
Well-prepared and defended homes can offer safety during the fire and may be defendable.
Currently, 30 fire crews are working to contain the blaze but firefighters will not be able to protect every affected property and residents should not expect a firefighter at their door.
Residents are advised to call triple-zero (000) if their property comes under threat.
Road closures are currently taking place.