Beachgoers stung by visitors

Over 100 swimmers were treated for stings on Wednesday, but the bluebottles haven't deterred crowds making the most of the hot Noosa weather.

Hot northerly winds blew hundreds of bluebottle jellyfish into Noosa Main Beach on Wednesday, with more than 100 swimmers treated for stings before lunchtime.
It was a cruel event as lots of holidaymakers and locals took refuge in the water as the temperature soared to 33 degrees.
Later reports from Noosa Surf Life Saving Club the next said the colony of marine stingers seemed to have moved on, with the wind pushing them out to sea.
A club spokesperson said there weren’t any reported stings yesterday and if the bluebottle jellyfish were still there, there would only be very few.
Temperatures are in the low thirties again today and swimmers haven’t been deterred by Wednesday’s events, with hundreds of people taking to the waters again on Thursday, and hundreds more expected to flock to the beach on Friday.
The heatwave is set to continue into the weekend, with Saturday predicted to reach a very uncomfortable 36 degrees before a much-needed storm is expected to break the heat.
Vets are urging residents to help their pets keep cool with lots of fresh water and shade.
Residents are also being reminded to check on elderly relatives and neighbours and make sure children and pregnant women are cool and staying hydrated.