Council briefs
A HANDFUL of locals turned out to The J for Noosa Council’s final roving ordinary meeting that was held on Thursday night 19 November.
Attendees were given the chance to speak with councillors and senior staff from 5pm before mayor Noel Playford walked the audience through the meeting process as councillors ratified a range of decisions from 6pm.
Council updates planning scheme
Noosa Council has made changes to the nine-year-old planning scheme to ensure it’s up to date.
Mayor Noel Playford said the amendments would update elements of the planning scheme until the council starts work on a new scheme in 2016.
The amendments deal mainly with bushfire and flood hazard mapping, rear setback distances for new homes, and cuts to red tape to support business in the hinterland.
Cr Playford said information from the community had helped shape the amendments, particularly with flood mapping, where photographs and historical information provided were assessed by the council’s consultant.
Setting up some hinterland business enterprises, such as small boutique farms, wellness centres, classes, and bed and breakfast accommodation, will be easier as a result of the changes.
“For example, the amendments will mean a property owner in a rural zone could use up to three of their bedrooms to create a bed and breakfast operation without need for a development approval,” Cr Playford said.
The Sustainable Planning Act requires councils to review their planning schemes at least every 10 years. These amendments will prolong the life of the Noosa Plan until work begins on the new scheme.
The Noosa Plan, which commenced in February 2006, has been amended several times. The new amendments will now go to the State Government for review.
Works program on track
The council has announced the 2015/16 capital works program is on target, with more than $12.1 million worth of projects now under way.
In a statement to media, the council said it had recently completed the Tewantin splash park renewal, the final stage of Daintree estate’s major flood mitigation works, Ben Lexcen Drive stormwater pipe relining and two public jetty repair projects.
Work has also started on the Munna Point bridge rehabilitation, Pomona’s Rifle Street flood mitigation works, a shire-wide road reseal program, Sunrise Beach school crossing improvements and a $5 million upgrade of Dr Pages Road and part of Kinmond Creek Road.
Noosa Council planning and infrastructure director Martin Drydale said the council hoped to complete the Dr Pages Road upgrade in April next year.
“We’re on track to have the majority of projects well under way, if not nearing completion, by the second and third quarters of this financial year, leaving the final quarter for final completion work and planning for next year’s capital program,” Mr Drydale said.
“We’re currently 44 per cent of the way through our $27.4 million capital works program, which is where we planned to be by now, and tracking well.”
Flying fox management plan approved
Noosa Council has signed off on a flying fox management plan aimed at providing some relief for residents living near the Wallace Park bat colony.
The council will selectively clear 10-metre separation areas between vegetation and property boundaries in consultation with stakeholders. The aim is to increase the distance between homes and flying foxes.
Noosa Council principal environment officer Peter Milne said the most practical action at this stage was increasing the space between park neighbours and the vegetation where the flying foxes roost, which would also provide an access fire trail.
“We are currently looking at sprinkler system trials that can provide a further 15 metres of separation. Out of all the deterrents suggested by Ecosure, this is the most promising,” he said.
Mr Milne said council staff would consult with stakeholders prior to clearing the 10-metre buffer, as well as government agencies.
The council will also provide factsheets and signage to educate residents about flying foxes.
Mr Milne thanked residents for providing feedback on the Ecosure recommendations, via the council’s YourSay Noosa website.