English for Khmer teachers

A class room in Bospo Village, Cambodia.

Two Noosa residents Peter McDonald and Judy Malzard are helping to educate 450 Cambodia children through a charity they set up in Australia with friend Alexandra Ly after visiting the country.
The trio first visited Bospo Village in rural Cambodia in 2013 as volunteers to assist Khmer teachers with English pronunciation.
At that time, English lessons were held on the verandah of the school founder’s house which he shared with his wife and three children. It comprised one room with a dirt floor. A shelter, second classroom and brick room used for IT has since been built by volunteers.
The registered charity Khmer New Generation Organisation Australia (KNGOA), which has ACNC approval and tax deductibility status, now provides free education and vocational skills training.
Lessons include English, supplementary Khmer literacy and mathematics, personal development and social education, primary health education, community environmental education and vocational computer skills training.
“We believe that education has the potential to lift a family out of poverty and helps children build the skills and confidence to become leaders in their community,” they said.
“KNGO is committed to empowering underprivileged children through education.
“Healthcare and dental support are beyond the means of most Bospo residents and medical issues often go untreated. KNGO has implemented health, dental, vision care and personal hygiene programs to support its students and the broader community.
“Simple dwellings have been provided for families and the elderly who are without adequate shelter.
“A number of children are sponsored by generous individuals and this enables these children to attend school.”
The project has been supported by Rotary Noosa Daybreak, Project Vietnam, Cooper Investors and individuals.
Their latest project is Teacher in a Box which Peter will introduce to Cambodia in January 2018.
Teacher in a Box is a learning tool developed by Rotary Planetarium in Brisbane using tablets or laptops.
Anyone wanting to contribute laptops, tablets or wanting to volunteer can call Peter on 0459 429 991 or Judy on 0430 845 693 or email: kngoaus@gmail.com
For more information, visit www.kngocambodia.org