Waste not want not

Peppers Resort Head Chef Andrew Wilcox, with Sunshine Butterflies members Ashleigh and Aleisha

Peppers Resort and Spa are putting their waste to good use and gaining a return on their investment.
Last year the resort invested in an enormous food composter to process its food scraps on-site and turn them into granule form which they distribute to disability support charity Sunshine Butterflies.
Last week the fruits of their labour returned in the form of fresh herbs, grown at Sunshine
Butterflies 5-acre hobby farm Our Backyard.
The herbs are grown and picked by members and delivered
to the resort in one of their ‘Fresh produce boxes’ also made onsite in
their Chippies Corner woodworking program.
The composter can take in up to 200kgs of food waste per day which it converts into a nutrient rich fertiliser which they use on their own gardens and offer to local produce suppliers.General Manager Steve McPharlin said the Peppers Team were grateful of being able to divert food scraps away from landfill. “The added bonus is that we get to support and work in partnership with local producers,” he said.
“Sunshine Butterflies are doing incredible things within their horticulture programs, and via
their social enterprise Sunshine Gardens and Landscaping, and we are excited to be working
together to close the loop of our produce cycle.”
For more information visit www.sunshinebutterflies.com.au