LISA Brummel can’t wait to share her love of ceramics with the local community. So it’s by no coincidence that she is the latest artist in residence at the Cooroy Butter Factory PopUp Art Exhibition.
For Lisa, working with clay is a catharsis – relaxing and therapeutic – but it wasn’t until late in her art studies that she first came across the medium.
“While my passion was hand raised metal forms when undertaking my degree at Monash, it wasn’t until I did a Diploma in Creative Arts at the then Tewantin TAFE that I fell in love with ceramics,” she said.
“Pouring myself into the clay I often achieve an almost meditative state.”
Lisa said she was delighted to be invited to become Artist in Residence at the PopUp Art Exhibition.
“It’s a wonderful opportunity for me to be with these exceptional exhibiting artists and to see myself in the public’s eyes,” she said.
Lisa welcomes the exhibition visitors to sit with her, learn and work with some clay if they’d like. “And to also touch and feel my creations… the soul of the product can only be experienced when you touch.
“You don’t get that when you just look,” she said.
Lisa Brummel is Artist in Residence at the PopUp Art Series Exhibition at the Butter Factory Arts Centre Cooroy until 30 June.
For more information visit www.noosa.qld.gov.au/butter-factory-arts-centre or phone 5329 6580.