They’ve been a round


THERE were smiles all round at Cooroy Golf Course recently, when the first All Abilities Golf Day for the season kicked off.
Co-ordinated by local joyologist Mark Bright, the program works to welcome those with disabilities into the world of golf, encouraging people to accept the challenge and embrace a new experience that many would have thought impossible.
All Abilities Golf Excursions encourage social engagement, exploration of nature and the philosophy that we can all achieve if we just… “give it a go.”
“Golf is a game that teaches us many things about ourselves, each other and those essential life lessons we all need,” Mr Bright said.
“There is more to it than just getting the ball into the hole.
“These excursions are a shared experience, tailored to every group and address the individual needs and abilities of the individual.
“And we all get together, out in the beautiful sunshine and have some fun, which is the most important thing.”
The group meets once every couple of weeks. Huge improvements have already been shown by players. For more information visit