House just drifts away

Drifting houseboat on Noosa river.

Has anyone lost a house? Noosa Coast Guard was called out last week to find a drifting houseboat. On closer inspection, they found it was not actually drifting but dragging its anchor, a concrete block.
With the approval of the water police, Coast Guard secured the runaway home to the Maritime Safety Queensland buoy.
Another marathon on the cards
Noosa Today has been told council has been approached by Ironman the organisers of the Noosa Ultimate Sports Festival about holding a marathon event in May next year.
The proposal for 2018 is to hold a Marathon event which would be four laps of the existing sports festival course and to hold this event on Saturday 26 May 2018.
Noosa business owners have been asked for their input on the event and road closures that would result from it.
House fire victim has boat stolen
After losing his house in the recent Noosa Northshore fires, Michael Hancock this week had his uninsured dinghy stolen from the Tewantin public jetty. Michael said the boat was chained and cabled up, but the thieves used a cordless grinder. “It’s so upsetting,” he said.