A Stableford for the Monthly Mug was held on GA Course on Tuesday 13 January with 162 entrants. Scratch Rating (M): 72.0.
A Grade: 1, Greg Collins, daily handicap 5, score 45; 2, Michael Napier, 7, 40; 3, Derek Connolly, 9, 39.
B Grade: 1, Shaun Taylor, 14, 42; 2, Dennis Hildebrandt, 16, 41; 3, Brendon Strid, 15, 38.
C Grade: 1, Andrew Aitken, 27, 41; 2, Kenneth Hiscoe, 24, 39; 3, John Loader, 25, 39.
Placegetters: Ross Cunningham, 14, 38 c/b; Tony Mayhew, 13, 38 c/b; Dallas Furner, 7, 38 c/b; Martin Ashworth, 23, 38 c/b; Peter Baynes, 18, 38 c/b; Aaron Lindsey, 10, 38 c/b; Donald O’Donnell, 17, 38 c/b; Tony Giles, 16, 38; John Hillis, 11, 37 c/b; Neville Hazlett, 9, 37 c/b; John Graham, 22, 37; Joe Franz, 17, 36 c/b.
Nearest to Pin (winning four balls)
A Grade: 5th Bradley Juillerat, 7th Mark MacNish, 10th Ross Smith, 12th Bradley Juillerat.
B Grade: Derek Pousette, Lyndon Bruggy, Peter Kremers, John Osmaston.
C Grade: Bob Cox, Kirk Derek, 12th Peter Croasdaile.
4BBB Stableford results for 17 January.
Winners: Gwen Whitehead, Ken Chapple, 47; runners-up (three way countback) Ken Cladham, Jan Pattle 46.
Nearest to Pin (winning six pack): 3rd Mark Prosser, 25th Richard Poutu, 26th Darren Simmons. Ladies (winning balls) 6th Fran Hansen.
Eagles Nest on ninth (winning six balls) Alby Cobb.
Drawn for Par: (winning six balls) ninth Duncan Chesney.
Ball Rundown: Duncan Chesney, Ross Miller 46; Johnno Grey, Studley Martin 46; Lynne Hancock, Leon Turner 45; Darren Simmonds, Keith Blackmore 44, Duncan Chesney, Chris Rawlinson 44.
The John Graham Cup was played for on 17 January.
1, Michael Wassereddin, Stephan Baker.
2, Allan Harris, Peter Buhk.
3, Harry Roberts, Doug Reynolds.
Nearest the Pins
A Grade: 5th P. Sanderson, 7th B. Peake, 10th W. Brewer, 12th A. Martin.
B Grade: B. Holmes, M. Cafa, E. Rushton, M. Cantori.
C Grade: G. Heath, D. Garner, Ron McKenzie, R. Lawn.
Pro’s Approach (winning eight balls)
A Grade: R. Milliner.
B Grade: A. Coulson.
Birdie Box (eight balls)
A Grade: Doug Reynolds. C Grade: L. Bruggy.
Ball rundown (winning one ball each): Ernest Rushton, Neil Callow, Chris Cahill, Brian Priehe, Alan Burton, John Hughes, Tom Loveridge, Aaron Carter, Neil Prideaux, John Kerr, Dennis Hildebrandt, Greg Earp, Aaron Lindsey and Brendon Strid.