IN LIGHT of the recent election and in time for the three year anniversary of Noosa’s de-amalgamation, Noosa MP Glen Elmes has farewelled outgoing Mayor Noel Playford and praised his efforts in “freeing Noosa”.
Mr Elmes addressed Parliament on Thursday 17 March to farewell councillor Playford and thank him for his years of service.
“I thank and highlight my deep personal regard for retiring Noosa Mayor Noel Playford,” he said.
Mr Elmes said Mr Playford, once retired from local government, was brought back into public life when Noosa was forced to amalgamate.
“Noel was the chairman of the Noosa Shire Council between 1988 and 1997,” Mr Elmes said.
“He thought he had retired from public life until the Bligh government and, in particular, then Treasurer Andrew Fraser decided that they would meddle in our local community affairs and forcefully amalgamate Noosa into the Sunshine Coast Regional Council.”
Mr Elmes said he “should thank them” as the forced amalgamation of Noosa “fostered a belief that a small community can achieve anything”.
“It does that by having community leaders who are prepared to put themselves forward at the expense of almost anything else in their lives on order to carry the argument or, should I say, fight,” he said.
“Noel Playford, along with others, was at the forefront of the successful Free Noosa campaign.
“His long and extensive background in local government gave him that vital edge.
“It is now history that the Noosa community won that fight and we celebrated the third anniversary of that vote last Wednesday.”
Mr Elmes likened Mr Playford’s retirement to a piece of history and praised the mayor for “rebuilding the local authority” and, with others, “re-crafting the council” and leaving it “in good shape: money in the bank and a zero rate increase this year”.
“As I speak here today, I know that at Noel’s home the engine in the car is turning over,” he said.
“It is hooked up to the caravan and Noel’s wife, Diana, is sitting in the passenger seat, eager to get on the road.
“I know he is, too. I will especially miss our regular meetings which were always open, honest and friendly.
“There have been some outstanding leaders in the Noosa Shire since its inception in 1910.
“Noel Playford deserves to be among the very best – perhaps even a little higher.”