Way to grow, bro

That's one impressive 'mo! Local lawyer Michael Sobey is two weeks into the Movember challenge.

LOCAL lawyer and moustache enthusiast Michael Sobey has once again ditched the razors to raise funds for men’s health.
The worldwide Movember campaign encourages men to grow a mo in support of men’s health while raising funds for cancer research and getting men talking about health issues.
Michael has taken part in the Movember challenge for a number of years and always holds an annual Movember Charity Lunch, with this year’s lunch planned for Friday 25 November at Gaston Bar and Grill from 12.30pm with proceeds raised donated to Movember.
Michael said his motivation for the Movember challenge was close to his heart.
“With family members and close friends affected by prostate cancer and depression I believe it’s important that we not only get more discussion about them but try to find cures,” he said.
The Movember Foundation is the only global charity solely focused on men’s health and aims to raise funds that deliver innovative, breakthrough research and support programs to enable men to live happier, healthier and longer lives.
Anyone who would like to donate to Michael’s mo can visit mobro.co/micksobey.