Peregian opens up

Noosa Heads Surf Club has taken over patrol responsibilities for the Peregian Beach Surf Club.

IN A bid to provide clarity about the future of the Peregian Beach Surf Club, Noosa Heads Surf Club president David James has released a letter outlining the club’s intentions and future plans for the closed site.
The letter outlines Noosa Heads Surf Club’s new responsibilities, which include taking on the overall responsibilities of providing volunteer lifesaving patrols at Peregian Beach as well as upgrading the equipment and lower level of the clubhouse.
“We have invested in an upgrade of the lifesaving area of the clubhouse, ground level, together with the purchase of new, up-to-date lifesaving equipment including a 4WD utility, an all-terrain vehicle, safety signage and upgraded inflatable rescue boats,” Mr James said.
In addition to the maintenance and upgrades of the clubhouse, Mr James said an incorporated program for Nippers was initiated which allowed juniors from both Noosa Heads and Peregian Beach to cross over and train at both beaches.
Mr James said the club was working with council to possibly upgrade the public amenities at the Peregian Beach park grounds, which could see the current amenities being removed and attached to the clubhouse but said this was in the early stages.
The current deck of the clubhouse is not to an appropriate safety standard, according to Mr James and at present is only used for an overflow of training.