NOOSA anglers have been spoilt for choice over the Easter holidays with the river, offshore and the beaches all producing some great fish.
The Noosa River has again come up with the goods and has seen some good quality tailor in the system, also in the mix were good quality trevally and sea bream. Surface lures have been the go, with poppers and stick baits doing the job on the tailor and the trevally with the bream taking prawns and soft plastic on the bottom.
Woods Bay and the river mouth have been firing in the mornings over the last week as these predators feed on the bait brought in on the tide. Whiting have also been on the chew along Gympie Terrace, the Dog Beach and the Frying Pan. Worms and live yabbies are the perfect bait to get a feed of the sweet fish. Further upriver school jew are starting to show up in the deeper holes with soft vibe type lures working a treat.
On the beaches light winds have made fishing very pleasant, Beach angler have seen nice sized dart, good whiting, bream and tailor. Pilchards, mullet strips prawns and worms have all been baits of choice.
Noosa’s North Shore is a great place to plan a day trip or even camp for a couple of days in one of the camping grounds set just back from the beach. With the high tide a little later in the evening this week and a new moon, now is a great time to target jewies. Big baits and big sinkers are the key and leave the rod in the rod holder, wait for the fish to pick up the bait and run before striking as these fish can be quit finicky when they feed. A couple of the best baits are mullet fillets or local squid.
Offshore has also been a hive of activity with some amazing fish taken over the last week. Sunshine Reef has again come up with the goods, with great coral trout taken last week. Sweetlip, cod and perlies also featured highly from the Reef. Pelagics also are still on the chew, with the water temp still sitting in the mid-twenties we are seeing good Spanish and spotted mackerel from most of our reefs. Tuna are also still in good numbers with mac tuna, longtail and yellowfin all taken last week.
On behalf of Jack Mangrove, best of luck on your fishing adventures.