Crime proceeds to nab criminals

Sergeant Mal Scott, Volunteer in Police Anne Winning, Cooroy Chamber of Commerce president Danielle Taylor, Tony Abbott MP and CCTV specialist Doug Grant at a press call last year.

Proceeds from crime have been used to help stop crime in Cooroy with the installation of over $200,000 worth of CCTV cameras.
The CCTV cameras have been in the pipeline for more than 12 months as the Cooroy Chamber of Commerce and local police worked together on the project funded by the government’s Safer Streets program.
Cooroy Chamber of Commerce president Danielle Taylor said it was important to note “not one cent of tax payers’ hard-earned money had been used to buy and install this system” as it is fully funded by the Australian Federal Government through the Proceeds of Crime Act where money confiscated from criminals is used to fund projects that make streets and communities safer.
Mr Taylor said the community was outraged after the recent break and enter at Mitre 10 that left much-loved local Sergeant Mal Scott with leg injuries and were excited to have all the CCTV cameras installed and ready to catch criminals.
Ms Taylor said the project had been in the planning stages for 12 months and the local business are excited to have all the cameras operating.
“It’s been an extensive process with a lot of work from volunteers, but it is worth it as it will ensure Cooroy sends a firm message to criminals that Cooroy is not an easy target,” she said.
Ms Taylor said the installation of the cameras was a wonderful example of what could be achieved when the community and local business work together with community organisations, businesses, volunteers and the local police all involved in the project.
Under the terms of the funding, the CCTV system is owned and maintained by the Cooroy Chamber of Commerce with local businesses funding related electricity costs and the CCTV camera feeds are transmitted straight to the police station.
Sgt Scott, who was hit by a getaway car when he interrupted a break and enter at Cooroy Mitre 10 on 1 January, said more CCTV cameras in Cooroy would help deter crime.
“When the crimes at Mitre 10 were committed, we only had a few cameras online but even that small amount of footage was useful in our investigations that ultimately resulted in the apprehension of the criminals,” he said.
“When fully installed, there will be over 20 cameras located at strategic points throughout the Cooroy CBD, and they will send live feeds back to the police station. This system will definitely be a deterrent to criminals and will also assist greatly in the capture and conviction of criminals in Cooroy.”
Sgt Scott is now back to work on light duties and said he had been overwhelmed by support from the community.
“The support from the community was overwhelming with hundreds of messages for a quick recovery. We have such a wonderful community and I very much appreciate everyone’s kind words and thoughts,” he said.