IT looked like a dramatic scene from a movie as lifeguards dashed into the water to rescue a swimmer at Sunshine Beach last week, but it was all in the name of acting as cameraman Chris Peckman recorded the action on a GoPro.
Already the producer and cameraman for Source Media, Chris can now add GoPro artist to the list after the international company asked him to film Sunshine Beach Surf Club trainee lifeguards in action using only GoPro cameras.
Chris said he was approached by the company after filming a promotional video and TV ad for Sunshine Beach Surf Club using action shots from a GoPro.
“The shots came up beautifully, so I sent them on to GoPro to view. I thought it would be a great way to help the club share their story,” he said.
“GoPro loved the shots and engaged me as a GoPro artist and asked me to send more shots of the trainee lifeguards in action from the perspective of the trainees.”
So with the latest GoPro harnesses strapped to their bodies, the trainees acted out a dramatic rescue simulation.
The action was also captured from the air thanks to Roger Woods and his phantom drone, which was fitted with a GoPro, and surf photographer Dave Gleeson was also on hand to help.
The team filmed for two hours on Wednesday afternoon. The footage will now be sent to GoPro in the US for editing, before being uploaded to the internet.
Chris said using high-quality, compact cameras such as a GoPro, has allowed him to think creatively and produce footage never before possible.
“When GoPro asked me to film for them, I was excited and honoured to be a part of what has become a revolution in the world of cameras and production,” he said.
Sunshine Beach Surf Club events and marketing co-ordinator Nichola Laycock said the film was a great way for the club to showcase their young lifesavers to Australia as well as encourage others to become involved.
“Sunshine Beach is an extremely rough surf beach with strong rips, so the more hands we have on board to help achieve our mission of ‘no lives lost on Sunshine Beach’, the better,” she said.