Service has its reward

From left: Cooroy State School principal Des Deighton, outstanding school arts volunteer teacher and award recipient Carole Reilly with Nicklin MP Peter Wellington.


WHEN retired arts teacher Carole Reilly received her volunteers badge at Cooroy State School 13 years ago, it was one of the best days of her life.
Since then she has embraced every chance to pass her art skills on to willing students – and there’s more than a few candidates at Cooroy State School.
Mrs Reilly was recently recognised for her efforts with a Community Service Award for outstanding and lengthy volunteer service.
The award was presented by Nicklin MP Peter Wellington, who made a special trip to Cooroy State School to present the award during assembly.
Mrs Reilly volunteers several times a week and helps students with art lessons and their reading.
She speaks highly of Cooroy State School students and the local Cooroy community.
“Cooroy is such an accepting community, it really is an amazing place,” she said.
“I worked with Catholic education for 21 years and when I retired I got bored, so I decided this was the next thing for me.”
Mrs Reilly is also a fierce campaigner for arts in schools.
“I think there should be more recognition for art and art can play such a crucial role in a student’s development,” she said.
“I still occasionally hear from students who have graduated, they call me up and tell me they’re still using their art skills, which is nice.”
Mrs Reilly plans to continue volunteering at Cooroy State School for years to come.
“I never really expected an award, it’s something I love doing and will continue to do,” she said.