Tuesday Jackpot pairs: 1st D. Alisone/J. Ison. 2nd R. Wall/J. Kirkman.
Thursday Triples: Bushrangers 22 d Apotukis 16. Royal Flush 15 d Rough and REvie 14. Bee Stings 15 d X Factor 6. Eumundi Boys 20 d Cormorants 5. Galahs 27 d Night Owls 7.
There is space for four more teams. If you would like to join this fun group from 4pm to 6pm then dinner afterwards, call Lynne 0405 131 746 or David 0414 833 509.
For anyone who would like to come along and try barefoot bowls or get some coaching, Nancy will be waiting to help you out on the green Friday afternoons from 2.30pm.
Twilight Triples
Sunday’s challenge between the High-Rollers and Business Bowlers proved to be a little one-sided – theHigh Rollers coming out on top with a resounding win. Only one brave soul fronted for the Business Bowlers.
Sunday 28 June is the men’s and ladies’ fours championships, come along for a 10am start.
If you are looking for a club to play bowls come along and try Cooroy Community Bowls Club. Call Lynne 0405 131 746, or email cooroycommunitybowls@gmail.com
Lynne Hateley-James – Secretary
A BIG thank you to Ivory Palms Resort for Sponsoring the Men’s Fours Seafood Day (Results next week).
Saturday open pairs winners were David Hawkesford and Daphne Reed from runners-up Walter Zemler and D. Hallman. The open triples winners were J. Watson, M. Lowe and P. Rieck from runners-up M. Mills, F. Turton and B. Thorn. The triples jackpot was won by Joan Brook, Fay Hewson and Marg King.
Sunday pairs are up and running again, but results were not known at time of publication.
In veteran’s bowls the winners were Ron Evans, Len Saunderson and Don Gull from runners-up Walter Horn, Rob Robuck and Bob Andrews.
Ladies ‘nominated’ triples winners were Gloria Nunn, Jan Bebe and Chris Gallagher from runners-up Jan Zemler, Fay Hewson and June Christie.
In Wednesday’s men’s pairs the winners were Kevin Coghlan and Joe Dawe (two games ) from runners-up John Scruton and Peter Vignon (one game). The Jackpot of $174 was not won and carries over.
Thursday’s open pairs winners were Steve Chandler and Terry O’Neil and the runners-up were Roy Gregory and Dan Crameri.
Friendly Friday triples winners were Irene Land, Tony Taylor and Bruno Ziglioto and the runners-up were Phil Coman, Bill Jones and Carol Jones. The Jackpot of $122 carries over.
In Champion of Champions district men’s pairs, congratulations go to Bob Nesbitt and Ian Ramsden for making the semi-finals only to be narrowly defeated by Coolum.
The Club Championship finals double header will be at 12.30 Thursday 25 June.
The ladies’ triples finalists are Gill McDonald, Kerry Wilson and Jenny Smith versus Bev Dickinson, Margaret Dodd and Mary Ross.
Men’s section B singles finalists are Ron Evans and Gary Moss who were successful over Dan Crameri and Ian McCallum respectively.
Get your names down for next month’s Laguna Resort mixed medley.
IN WEDNESDAY ladies’ championship triples semi-finals, Jeanne Price, Elizabeth Dewhirst and Jocelyn Rabjohns (s) defeated Julanne Brown, Desley O’Neill and Tina Camp(s). While Sharon Foale, Gaye Bible and Veronis O’Connor (s) defeated Katie McInnes, Glenda Rohde and Phyllis Roebuck (s). The final is scheduled for Wednesday 1 July.
The social game of consistency singles was won by Des Quinn for a ‘pick of the box’.
Friday’s twilight bowls winners were Gail Alford and Patrick Gray Spence with +15. Runners-up were the triples team of Bill Schutt, Russell Hill and Bill Alford with a win +6. The jackpot was won by Jim Farr and Norm Wamsley with -15 so sometimes losers are grinners also.
On Saturday the champion fours team of Walter Horn, Charlie Dewhirst, Lorry Axiak and Trevor Walsh(s) travelled to Harvey Bay for the district Champion of Champions. Pomona experienced success in the first game defeating hotshot team Harvey Bay, and in the second round defeated Doonvilla for a place in the semis on Sunday morning. On Sunday against Maryborough Services Pomona’s men played great bowls and after 21 ends the score was 20 points even. An extra end was played with Pomona holding the shot however after opposing skip put down his last bowl Pomona lost the game by one point – a great effort.
In men’s B Grade second round Jim Farr won on forfeit and in the second semi-final Rick Goulding defeated Jim Farr.
It was a great final between Rick Goulding and Daryl (Deefa) Millar. Both bowlers were in top form on the day and were both very keen to win the game. It was even play throughout most of the match and although Daryl dropped a four about the 16th end, he quickly picked up – the score on the 20th end was 23 even. Daryl was holding one shot against Rick, however was just a tad heavy with his last bowl and knocked his own bowl out of contention giving Rick the game by 25 to 23. Congratulations to you both on a great game and the sportsmanship shown during the whole contest.