A GROUP of Noosa and Hinterland locals are devouring their way through Noosa’s amazing restaurant scene.
The Noosa Restaurant Trail consists of 19 members who sit down for dinner at a different Noosa restaurant every second Wednesday.
The group is celebrating almost 12 months on the restaurant trail, and organiser Kerry Finch has always been open to new guests.
“No one knew each other at the first dinner, and each week we welcome a new person or couple,” organiser Kerry Finch said.
“So not only do we get to try new restaurants first hand, rather than relying on what others say, we have all also expanded our circle of friends.”
The first restaurant the group visited was Mystic India at Noosa Junction, and the 23 others they’ve tried since have included Berardo’s, Embassy XO and Vanilla Cafe to name a few.
“We have been very impressed with all but perhaps two restaurants on our journey, which speaks volumes for the quality and variety of dining options we have here in Noosa,” Ms Finch said.
“And most of us have been back, taking other friends, to our favourites.
“We’ve recently set up a website to give feedback on where we’ve been, so others can read our unbiased, local, opinions.
And when restaurant owners hear of what we’re doing, they are really interested and go out of their way to explain the menus, and sometimes, their food philosophy.”
The next stop on the Noosa Restaurant Trail will be Coconut Grove at Sunshine Beach for the group’s 12 month anniversary dinner in early October.
“The Noosa Restaurant Trail is not a closed group – and we’d love to see more people joining us in the months ahead – new blood keeps the conversations interesting,” Ms Finch said.
Those who would like to join the group can do, at no charge, by adding their details to the meet up group by visiting: www.meetup.com/Noosa-Restaurant-Trail/.