NOOSA’S Councillor Tony Wellington has announced he intends to run for mayor in the coming council elections in March.
Cr Wellington, who was part of Noosa’s de-amalgamation movement, said he was not the “usual suspect” for a political career, having spent most of his working life in the creative industries.
He has decided to announce his intention to run for mayor due to public speculation.
“For quite some time residents have been asking me what my intentions are,” he said.
“I get questioned about this almost every day. With neither Noel Playford nor Bob Abbot intending to run again, I thought it was time to put some of that speculation to rest.”
While Cr Wellington has made the announcement, he’s adamant he has not yet started campaigning.
“Oh no, this is not the start of a campaign,” he said.
“That can wait until next year. Right now I am simply announcing my intention to stand.
“The campaign itself will be launched next year, and that’s when I will be presenting my policies. In the meantime, it’s business as usual.”
When asked about the challenges facing Noosa, Cr Wellington said Noosa had a number of significant challenges ahead.
“The past two years have rightly focused on getting the council machine running smoothly,” he said.
“And I give full credit to Mayor Playford for his performance in establishing what, in effect, is a new council. In particular he has placed council in a strong financial position.”
Cr Wellington said council was still developing policies and it was important to create a clear focus on future goals.
“These include broadening of Noosa’s economic base and the creation of a new planning scheme,” he said.
“The latter will be absolutely critical to how Noosa develops into the future.”
Cr Wellington said his experience of two years on Sunshine Coast Council and his time spent with Noosa Shire Council had given him some “unique insights”.
“Of course every mayor brings his or her own personalities to the role,” he said.
“I believe one of my great strengths is my ability to collaborate. I see the mayor as first among equals.
“I am not the sort of person to hold grudges or get upset if I don’t get my way. The new Noosa Council has functioned harmoniously and I want the next council to be the same.
“I also want to see Noosa Council really shine like a beacon of best practice in sustainability. In short, I want a council residents can be proud of.”
To date, no other current councillors have announced their intentions to run in the elections next year.