A right royal treat in classic cars and chrome

Rob Jeffs with Miss Emma, his 1948 Ford Mercury. Pictures: ROB MACCOLL

By Margaret Maccoll

The Combined Coastal Car Club was counting its blessings on Sunday when the rain cleared for the annual Cooroy Car Show and Swap meet at Johnson Park.
Club spokesman Brendan O’Brien said more than 100 cars and some serious money in the form of Ferraris, Jaguars, Porsches, classics and vintage cars attended the event.
The royalty claim definitely went to Lindsay Price for his 1934 Daimler which had been used in the coronation parade for King George VI. Bought by the marine engineer in 1999, the Daimler even boasts a doily containing the crocheted HRH emblem.
“It gets so many lovely comments,” said Lindsay, who has no plans to part with the vehicle.
And for enthusiasm you couldn’t go past Rob Jeffs and his 1948 Ford Mercury. A motor mechanic by trade Rob has spent countless hours returning the car named Miss Emma to its original glory.
Rob said parts can be sourced from America where they are still being produced but it has taken him a bit of research to find people skilled to replace glass and take the little bumps out of its chrome strips. Rob treats his restoration as an ongoing puzzle.
“The greatest enjoyment is in solving the different problems you come across,” he said.