Early start for road safety works

THE Australian and Queensland governments have announced an early beginning to urgent safety works on the Bruce Highway south of Gympie.
Federal Wide Bay MP Warren Truss said the project will be permanently integrated with future works which will take place as part of the Cooroy to Curra upgrade.
“Upgrades to the Keefton Road intersection and to the access arrangements for the Golden Nugget service station will dramatically improve safety for all motorists, including local traffic and trucks moving freight along the highway,” Mr Truss said.
“From 2000 to 2010 there were 82 crashes along this section of the highway, involving seven fatalities, underlining the importance of getting on and fixing this section of the highway.”
Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads Scott Emerson said the works would provide a higher level of safety for all motorists on this section of the highway.
“The commencement of the tender process for the safety upgrades and early works is scheduled for January 2015, with construction expected to start in March 2015,” Mr Emerson said.
Gympie MP David Gibson said he was pleased funding for these works had been confirmed.
“We’ve been working as a community to achieve real safety outcomes at this location, and I’m thrilled these works have been announced,” Mr Gibson said.
Gympie Regional Council acting mayor Tony Perrett said works would involve road widening and establishing new medians.
“Further intersection works at Venardos Avenue and Six Mile Creek rest area will also be carried out,” Cr Perrett said.
The safety works on the highway south of Gympie will cost $26.5 million, with the Australian Government contributing up to $21.2 million and the Queensland Government contributing $5.3 million.