Growing healthy habits

Cath Manuel, horticulturalist and founder of Soil to Supper.

CATH Manuel is an experienced horticulturalist, organic gardener and educator, with extensive knowledge on how to grow the best fruit, vegetables and herbs in your own backyard.
Cath is the founder of Soil to Supper and the horticultural therapy program Sewing Serenity and loves to share her passion for growing fresh, organic food.
Cath is also focussed and passionate about living a sustainable and healthy lifestyle and enjoys helping others improve their well-being by growing organic food and connecting with the earth.
Boasting an impressive orchid and vegetable garden in her own home, Cath will share tips on how to grow a healthy garden as well as how to create rich compost from garden and kitchen waste at the 2015 Ginger Factory Flower and Food Festival.