Noosa Council unlocks weir refund


NOOSA Council has revealed a levy fund for the Noosa Waters lock and weir operations has built up to $731,873 and will be refunded to residents.
According to council documents Noosa Council has collected the surplus levy funds over the last 14 years in relation to the Noosa Waters lock and weir operations and maintenance.
Following a council staff assessment of long-term maintenance requirements it was found that the funds were not required for future lock and weir expenditure purposes.
There was also a legal question raised during council’s at the council’s final general committee meeting for 2014, on Monday 15 December.
Council documents said the council had been able to carry forward surpluses from the lock and weir each year but there is no legal doubt that council has had the power to levy ratepayers to collect funds for the lock and weir each year.
“Recognising these issues, it is proposed to implement a program to refund the surplus funds in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act and Regulation,” the council staff wrote in the report.
“Legal advice from King and Co has provided a mechanism for ensuring that council meets its legal obligations in providing such a refund.”
Information about the refund will be provided to the relevant home owners, both those who previously owned a home and who currently own a home where the levy applies.