Spare a thought for others

A Christmas message from Member for Noosa Glen Elmes MP.


CHRISTMAS is the time of year when families and friends come together to celebrate in a spirit of peace.
It is a time of joy, celebration and togetherness. It is also a time when communities come together and focus on the things which unite us rather than the things which divide us.
It is a time when our differences are put aside as happened on the battlefields in France 100 years ago when the British and the German combatants put aside their differences at Christmas time, shared food and played football – conflict took a holiday.
I ask all members of the Noosa community to remember those who are less fortunate than we are.
We are mindful also that the Noosa Pengari Steiner School community is mourning the loss of two of its members and is concerned for others injured in the recent tragedy in New Zealand.
The entire school community especially at this time should be in our thoughts and prayers as they celebrate Christmas with very mixed feelings.
In keeping with the spirit of peace, joy and happiness, Lesleigh and I wish all members of our very special Noosa community a joyous, restful and, above all, a safe Christmas – Glen.