Trash ban support comes in waves

RAIN and big waves couldn’t wet Noosa’s passion for a plastic-bag-and-container-free environment as protesters battled large swell and pouring rain to spread their litter-free message.
The Noosa Community Biosphere Association (NCBA) joined fellow environmental groups, Surfrider Association, Boomerang Alliance, Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland and Sunshine Coast Environment Council on Noosa Main beach last Sunday 24 January to highlight the need for both a cash-for-containers scheme and also a ban on plastic bags.
NCBA vice-president John Wood said the Ban the Bag and the push for a Container Deposit scheme was part of a larger picture for better waste management in Noosa.
“One of NCBA’s focuses is our ‘People in the Biosphere’ and our habits that impact our environment, for example, litter and waste management; hence, ban the plastic bag and cash for containers campaigns,” Mr Wood said.
“A solution is the Boomerang Bags Initiative. These activities are in line with the Noosa Council’s ‘Towards Zero Waste’ campaign.”
Councillor Tony Wellington praised the group’s efforts and urged the State Government to step up to the plate in protecting the environment.
“Noosa Council has the ability to introduce a shire-wide ban on plastic bags if the State fails to act,” Cr Wellington said.
“Obviously the best outcome for both the environment, and also the council’s resources, would be for the State to step up to the plate.
“Millions of tonnes of plastic ends up in the world’s oceans. The rally on Main Beach is part of a broader campaign aimed at highlighting this problem. Noosa Community Biosphere Association has taken to heart the maxim that we should think globally and act locally. More power to them.”