Koala funding welcomed but more needed

While local groups this week welcomed a funding announcement from the Koala Rescue and Rehabilitation Grants program, they say it’s not enough.

Described as a major investment in koala rescue and rehabilitation, the Newman Government announced $202,127 in funding for 11 frontline koala rescue and rehabilitation organisations, including Sunshine Coast Koala Rescue, which will receive $5500 for equipment, including rescue traps. Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection, Andrew Powell said that unlike the previous Labor Government, “which just focused on buying up koala habitat, these grants are a major investment to help community organisations extend koala conservation by delivering frontline support in rescuing and rehabilitating koalas.” Noosa koala campaigner Carolyn Beaton said this was “a very welcome initiative. “But while approximately $200,000 is a significant amount, the reality is that it probably represents less than five per cent of the annual operating costs of the 11 recipient organisations, and there are many others working on the front line. “The Queensland Government will, however, get good bang for their buck because it is second nature for these organisations to make a little go a long way.” A request that rescue vehicle expenses, and particularly fuel, be eligible for funding under the scheme was not approved but the Minister said it was a suggestion that still had merit, “as this is a consistently high operating cost, particularly for the smaller, regional koala rescue groups that travel long distances for their animals to receive specialist care.”