PENSIONER Kevin Driscoll says he will continue to make a personal stand until Noosa Council rebuilds his jetty.
Mr Driscoll and his wife Vicki purchased the jetty, located at the corner of William Street and Gympie Terrace, in 1993.
The couple claim the adjacent footpath, which is under Noosa Council’s jurisdiction, shifted during floodwater and led to the deterioration of the former jetty and current pylons.
Since featuring in last week’s edition of Noosa Today (19 June), Mr Driscoll said he had spoken to dozens of residents and received visits from Noosa councillors.
“Since the article, I’ve met with Cr Sandy Bolton, Cr Joe Jurisevic and Cr Frank Wilkie,” he said.
“All the councillors said they feel for my situation and would investigate the matter.”
Mr Driscoll previously said he did not have an issue with Noosa councillors, but instead took aim at council’s centre management.
The standoff could now lead to Noosa Council repairing the ailing footpath and avoiding the Driscoll’s jetty site altogether.
Noosa Council’s director of planning and infrastructure, Martin Drydale, said State agencies had advised that Mr and Mrs Driscoll held the permit to occupy this jetty.
“However, due to the deterioration of the structure they no longer had legal tenure over the jetty including any right to rebuild,” he said.
“Mr and Mrs Driscoll did remain the owner of the pylons in the river and the State Government has imposed a liability to maintain them.
“As a result of that information provided by the state, council has advised Mr and Mrs Driscoll that as part of the application to undertake the works to the footpath that it would offer to remove the pylons which would extinguish their state-imposed liability at no cost to them.
“If Mr and Mrs Driscoll do not wish to take up this offer, then council will continue with the planned footpath works for William Street and Gympie Terrace which will not impact on the jetty site.