SEVERAL Doonan residents have stood up and voiced their support for a boundary re-alignment which would incorporate Eumundi, Doonan, Verrierdale and Weyba Downs (EDV) into the Noosa Council.
During the past week, Noosa Today has received dozens of emails regarding the EDV re-boundary bid with the majority in favour, while a smaller group says “leave the boundary alone”.
Doonan couple Lissa Evans and Dave Clarke said they feel “little to no connection” with the Sunshine Coast Council.
“It is Noosa we relate to – our free newspapers are Noosa Today and Noosa News (we don’t buy the Sunshine Coast Daily),” Mr Clarke said.
“The places we shop and visit for recreation are in the Noosa Shire Council.”
Mr Clarke purchased land on Grays Drive, Doonan, about 30 years ago and said he feels his values are more in line with Noosa Council.
“We’ve looked at the Sunshine Coast’s Plan and Doonan doesn’t even crack a mention!” he said.
“The only interest the Sunshine Coast has in opposing this move is that they like to be associated with well known ‘alternative’ places (Eumundi – markets) to add a little diversity to their consumer-obsessed shops and restaurants in the rest of the council (shire).”
Mr Clarke said he suspects the majority of Caloundra residents would struggle to point out Doonan on a map.
Meanwhile, Noosa Council Mayor Noel Playford told ABC Radio that he would support the re-boundary bid provided enough of the EDV residents were in favour.
However, the re-boundary bid has also received some negative feedback from several residents concerned about the EDV survey results.
“EDV community consultations and meetings are structured to get the results the EDV want,” said John Strano of Eumundi.
“Eumundi is arguably more famous than Noosa – we do not want to give up the heritage and unique character of our hinterland town to become part of what is essentially a small beach.”
Pomona resident, Joy Ringrose, outlined three points in favour of the re-boundary and said it was “not a question of if, but when”.
“Firstly, these districts are geographically much closer to the shire offices in Noosa, should residents need to have face-to-face dealings with councillors, or council staff,” she said.
“Secondly, these four districts have much in common culturally with the other Noosa hinterland districts, therefore they would benefit culturally from closer links via council programs. Conversely, they would be a positive addition to Noosa Shire.
“Lastly, and most importantly, the vast majority of people living in these areas have a very strong wish to be amalgamated with the Noosa Shire. It is very arrogant to ride roughshod over the wishes of so many people in the name of empire-building and financial gain.”
Mr Ringrose said it would save both councils a lot of time and energy if the wishes of the residents were adhered to.
Have your say by emailing Noosa Today: newsdesk@noosatoday.com.au