A style all their own

Don't miss the visual feast that is Bandaluzia.

FLAMENCO is a visual and sound experience charged with passion, energy and culture, appealing to people of all ages.
If you haven’t seen this stunning genre before, Timbeao Planet is proud to present Bandaluzia, a show that promises to inspire and impress having been awarded the pick of the Sydney Fringe Festival and performed in front of sold-out Sydney Opera House Concert Hall audiences as an invited artist at TedX Sydney 2014.
Bandaluzia has headlined the International Gypsy Music Festival in Sydney, is a part of Musica Viva’s national touring program, and has recently completed a tour through China.
Don’t miss your chance to view this amazing show at the Noosa Steiner School, 86 Nyell Road, Doonan, on Friday 30 October from 7pm.
Tickets are available now through www.trybooking.com/jdxu at $25.30 per person or $30 at the door, if there are any left.
For more information phone 0402 274 821 or visit www.timbeaoplanet.com