An instant classic

Bill McKay at the presentation.

IT appears appropriate in this month of January – suggested by some scholars to be named after the ancient Roman mythical god Janus, the god of beginnings and transitions – that the renowned local artist and Noosa Botanic Gardens amphitheatre original designer Bill McKay was the guest speaker at the Friends of Noosa Botanic Gardens AGM on Tuesday 20 January.
The Roman god Janus is usually depicted as having two faces – one looking to the past and the other to the future. As a god of transitions, Janus had functions pertaining to birth and to journeys.
Bill McKay, who was very much integral to the birth of the Noosa Botanic Gardens amphitheatre, enlightened attendees on not only the history of the gardens and the amphitheatre construction but, Janus-like, also explored some options for the future journey.
Bill said: “The amphitheatre was inspired by local resident Ida Duncan and the ancient Greek amphitheatres and was actualised by many, many local businesses and individuals who gave generously of their time, skills, labour and products”.
Bill produced draft drawings and concepts of how this beautiful Noosa asset could enhance its functionality and enjoyment by Noosa residents and visitors. Linking the achievements of the supporters of the Noosa Botanic Gardens of two decades ago to today’s Friends of Noosa Botanic Gardens, Bill said “all of this was achieved by individuals such as yourselves – everyday local community members – who realise what an outstanding asset the botanic gardens and the amphitheatre are and want it to be experienced and enjoyed by all residing or visiting our region”.