NOOSA seniors can now unlock the secrets of social media during Facebook Fridays at the Noosa Library.
The library, in Wallace Street, is offering a free weekly class to teach residents how to update their status and understanding the security and privacy settings.
Noosa local Sue Clapham said she had been using Facebook for a while but had no idea about its security features.
“It’s a great class and you get so much more understanding of Facebook,” she said.
“I think some older residents adapt well to using Facebook – but they have to be keen to learn.”
Noosa Library information specialist Jill McLaren said residents without a Facebook account were missing out.
“There’s a lot of community things in Noosa that seniors and residents are missing out on,” she said.
“They can keep in touch with relatives, share photos, learn about local events and make new friends.”
Mrs McLaren said bookings were essential and for attendees to please bring their laptops.
To find out more or to book contact the Noosa Library on 5329 6555.
Residents can visit and ’Like’ the Noosa Library Facebook page at Facebook.com/NoosaLibraryService
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