COUNCIL is encouraging residents to drop off any useful household items they no longer need at the Eumundi-Noosa Road landfill’s not-for-profit Briteside Tip Top Shop.
There is no charge for dropping items off at Briteside, it saves paying a tip fee and gives household items a new lease on life with someone who can use them.
Briteside sells second-hand household items at very low cost providing a service to the community. Re-using contributes to a more sustainable society.
Council’s Waste manager Wayne Schafer commented: “Noosa residents did so well with leaving items out for kerbside collection that Briteside is running a little low on stock.
“Briteside prides itself on having a wide range of goods to sell, everything from plates and cutlery to chairs and whitegoods.
“If anyone missed the kerbside collection, or has other items they no longer find useful, please bring them to Briteside.”
Mr Schafer encouraged residents to save themselves time by pre-sorting their items for Briteside, from their general waste items, prior to arriving at the landfill.
“Briteside wishes to thank residents for leaving their old mattresses out for collection, too. Part of the $20 collection fee has provided an unemployed person with a job at Briteside.”
For more information, contact council on 5329 6500.