Letters to the Editor


Knives out soon
IF MALCOLM Turnbull is as smart as he thinks he is then he must realise that Scott Morrison and the party will use him and his current popularity to help them win the next federal election.
After they have all been sworn in the knives will be out and it will be a repeat of, “on for one and all“ and no quarter or loyalty given.
That’s the sorry state of our federal politicians in today’s Australia and we allow it by voting for them without insisting they serve out their term as elected by the people and not that joke for democracy the caucus.
It would be a joke if it wasn’t so serious and that it was costing not only money but the talents of some of our few but dedicated politicians.
E. Wright,
Sunrise Beach.

Deep pockets
SO FAR because of councillors’ failure, the ratepayers are up for legal fees on the Masters project.
It now looks that there could be costs for both the Cooroy Tourist Park and service station as well as the Civic Shopping Centre extension.
Both projects will give both short and long-term employment and when completed will be of great advantage to so many people.
The developers of both these projects are no fools and seem to have far more insight than the present council and will without doubt appeal.
Have the present council members got big pockets or are they going to pass on costs to ratepayers?
It would be appreciated if they would make their intentions known publicly before refusing.
Ian Lawson,

The real greens
I WISH the local newspapers would stop calling the NPA the “peak green group”. I can think of at least two others (Landcare or the Sunshine Coast Environment Council) that should have this title.
At least they don’t get involved in non-environmental matters.
Bruce Hallett,

The infidels
THE word racial is not in my vocabulary but what I don’t understand is why “I do unto others, as I would want them to do unto me, or live and let live” yet if a Muslim moved in next door to me he would want me to treat him as an equal (and I would) but he would always refer to me as an infidel.
I find being called an “infidel” offensive.
I am studying the Koran as we speak and I can tell you infidel certainly doesn’t mean equal.
There are two types of Muslims – radicals and moderates.
The radicals want to take over the world with force immediately as ISIS is doing.
The moderates want to take over the world also, but they want to do it with infiltration.
That is to act peacefully until they get into control, then instil Sharia law.
The latter is called Hudna. Both strategies are taken from the Koran.
Don’t let anyone tell you different – if they try, it is called Taqqiya.
That means the right to lie to further Islam.
I’m starting to believe that Australians are very stupid letting them in to our country without insisting they leave their ideals in the country they have just left (drive on the same side of the road as we do).
I hate to say it, too bad the downfall of Europe has begun again just almost 100 years of peace from after WWII.
Europe will plunge into a brutal, uncontrollable society again. My guess it will end up in the same mess as the Middle East.
John, the thing I like most about you is you always say people are entitled to their opinion – my opinion is WWIII has already started “Muslims versus the rest of the world”.
Bob Jarvis,

Hail to the chiefs
NOOSA deserves the best and we have scored superbly with Noel Playford.
He’ll be a hard act to follow but I believe we have a brilliant mayoral successor in Tony Wellington.
Tony is an incredibly smart bloke but also a very unassuming chap – friendly, caring, hard-working, very knowledgeable on environmental issues and great at keeping constituents informed.
He served on the Sunshine Coast Council in order to help protect Noosa interests during the SCRC “occupation” and once we regained independence, he halved his pay packet to stand for the new Noosa Council and stand up for what he believed in.
Of course he has his detractors – most of them are familiar names from the letters pages but few have his selfless dedication to our beautiful Noosa.
Tony will make an excellent mayor.
Susie Osmaston,
Noosa Heads.

Welcome home
OUR welcome back to Australia from overseas on Monday morning was less than brilliant.
The PA announcements from the Brisbane Airport Corporation were somewhat disingenuous, too.
“There may be a slight delay due to industrial action by the workers with the Immigration and Border Protection Department.”
The slight delay meant we were in very long, slow-moving, winding queues, very reminiscent of arriving in Los Angeles before they fixed their problems.
In fact, the “slight delay” meant it took us less time to drive from the Brisbane Airport to Noosaville than it took to get from the plane to the parking garage.
With all the bad press about unions recently, I’d think they would be trying to show their fellow citizens how necessary unions are by some other method than annoying us greatly.
Ron Koyich,

Plain arrogance
IN MY opinion the arrogance of this council is astounding.
Their continued mismanagement of capital works (63 per cent last year and 3 per cent instead of 16 per cent at end August) has now been compounded by what appears to be some different accounting; about $4 million in planned projects from June have disappeared.
Funds for maintenance and upgrades of storm-water, boardwalks, community facilities and IT projects have all been downgraded.
We now learn Noosa’s biosphere is in danger of being hijacked by Noosa Parks Association; they’re seeking funds from Noosa Biosphere Reserve Community Association so they can pursue heritage recognition (and appear to have a dominant representation of nominees for the NBRFCA committee). NPA is also seeking to partner with council in the purchase of North Shore land (ordinary council meeting minutes).
John Lobb,
Peregian Springs.