WHILE Noosa enjoys a successful start to the spring/summer tourism season, Tourism Noosa has announced a global market strategy for the coming two years to further increase visitor numbers.
The announcement was made at an industry event on Wednesday night (30 October) to over 180 key stakeholders where Tourism Noosa outlined their plans to build a sustainable global market for Noosa, focusing on brand profile, beneficial partnerships, trade engagement, product development and consumer marketing.
Tourism Noosa CEO Damien Massingham said the strategy outlined the current state of play for Noosa, identified areas of potential growth, noted the challenges to be addressed and set global marketing direction.
“The Noosa Global Market Strategy sets a focus on building a diverse visitor mix, evening seasonality, increasing length of stay and enhancing Noosa’s product offering to drive visitation,” he said.
“In developing the global market strategy, Tourism Noosa undertook an extensive consultation process to ensure the vision and proposed actions would be informed and relevant.”
Mr Massingham said meetings with over 300 trade, government and industry partners had helped shape the strategy.
“In terms of market focus, the strategy will concentrate on Noosa’s key markets of the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Germany and North America while nurturing other important markets by leveraging opportunities with industry partners such as Tourism and Events Queensland and Tourism Australia,” he said.
“Working in partnership with Sunshine Coast Destination Ltd and our state and national partners, Tourism Noosa will implement this strategy including support for activities of relevance and benefit such as Australia’s Coastal and Aquatic campaign and Queensland’s Australia’s Nature Coast and Great Beach Drive programs,” he said.
Councillor Frank Wilkie said Tourism Noosa’s strategy focused on further strengthening relationships with industry and trade partners, key media and appropriately aligned brands.
“This team not only works hard but smart in continually finding ways to ensure this key aspect of our regional economy keeps growing in strength and resilience,” Cr Wilkie said.