NOOSA Men’s Shed has received a much-needed $11,000 boost.
A total of $6000 has come from Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss through the latest round of the Federal Government’s National Shed Development Programme and will go toward the building of the shed’s wood workshop.
The program is administered by the Australian Men’s Shed Association and is aimed at promoting learning and the sharing of information, including health information.
Men’s Sheds in Australia can apply for funding of up to $8000, with priority given to sheds in rural and remote areas and areas of disadvantage.
Mr Truss congratulated Noosa Men’s Shed for the role it plays in reducing social isolation, strengthening communities and improving mental health, particularly among retired and older men.
And this week local shedders also became aware of their success in gaining a grant of $4898 from the Caring for Communities grants scheme run by the Queensland Government.
This latter money is to be directed to kitchen and office equipment, furniture, outdoor equipment and general materials.
Secretary Ian Broadfoot said the group was grateful for the funding which will significantly help with progress.
“As a new men’s shed, with a rapidly growing membership, this grant will be of great value in establishing the assets needed to run a successful organisation,” Ian said.
“The shed construction is well advanced.
“The roof and walls are clad and the building is at the lock-up stage.
“The next task is electrical fit out after which equipment will be installed.”
Although the shed members actively fund-raise by other means, such as running sausage sizzles at Bunnings, Ian said that the grants from external bodies are extremely helpful.
“The expense of building has drained our funds severely in recent times so to have received these two grants has been a huge benefit to us and we are very grateful for the support,” he said.
Noosa Men’s Shed meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 8am to noon and Wednesday’s from 1pm to 4pm.
For more information contact Peter Magarry on 0754 556 189, Ian Broadfoot on 5474 3986 or email noosamensshed@gmail.com.