IN JUST over a week, Gyndier Drive, Tewantin, will be a rev head’s heaven as hot-rods take to the tar for the annual Historic Noosa Hill Climb.
But the race course is already a-buzz with event organisers Noosa Beach Classic Car Club (NBCCC) holding a working bee to get the road ready for the Noosa Triathlon and then the Historic Hill Climb on 8 and 9 November.
Among the improvements to the course is a pitch, or picnic area, that will hold 160 race cars, and Noosa Council has lent a helping hand to get the track race ready.
More than 32 tonnes of crusher dust has been brought in to get the road, pits and spectator areas up to grade, ready for the popular, annual event.
Run by the NBCCC, all proceeds raised by the event will go to local charities, with local organisations such as the Men