LONG-TIME fisherman and Boreen Point resident Trevor Cleary has spoken of his disappointment in the Noosa Council for recommending a ban on commercial net fishing along the Noosa North Shore.
Noosa Council carried a unanimous vote last week in favour of writing to Queensland Fisheries to recommend the ban during council’s ordinary meeting on Thursday, 23 October.
Mr Cleary claims the council failed to properly engage with him and the local fishing community and he has raised concerns with the way the matter was handled prior to council elections.
“Your readers over the years have read where I have wanted a change of management for that fishery to be locals only and daytime operations in line with local beam trawl working times,” Mr Cleary said.
Mr Cleary said many people in the fishing industry stood to lose 70 per cent of their incomes, should the State Government impose the ban.
He said a daytime fishing restriction and locals only permit process would have solved the problem before it reached this point and not threatened local fisheries incomes.
However, Cr Frank Pardon, who was one of the driving forces behind the motion, said the matter was in the hands of the State Government not Noosa Council.
“I understand Mr Cleary’s concerns and we have had many discussions around the matter, but all council has done is submit a letter of recommendation to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry,” he said.
“This recommendation may or may not be adopted by the State Government – but it’s not something Noosa Council can decide.”
Mr Cleary said he was disappointed in the consultation process which he believes started prior to the Noosa Council election.
“Firstly let me take you back to the council candidates’ forum held at the Cooroy hall prior to the council elections in November last year,” he said.
“I went to this meeting to hear specifically of the candidates’ feelings/opinions on commercial fishing and not one of the candidates including the mayoral candidates of (Noel) Playford and Petersen in their two-minute time mentioned commercial fishing.
“Jobs and promoting business and generating shire income was the norm for most, if not all of the candidates.
“Councillor (Frank) Pardon had not produced his election flyer prior to this public meeting and never mentioned commercial fishing during his two minutes at the microphone, yet when he did present his flyer after the public forums, item seven was to ban net fishing on the north shore to which he and I have argued rather heatedly over.
“At the end of the public meeting in Cooroy along with other promising candidates were Cr Tony Wellington and Cr Joe Juresovic, who approached me and stated they knew nothing of commercial fishing and would consult in me when and if controversial local commercial fishing issues presented should they win a councillor position.
“So here we have the council promoting a blanket ban on that fishery and no call from either councillor – bewildering to say the least.”
HAVE YOUR SAY: Do you agree with Noosa Council’s recommendation to ban commercial net fishing along Noosa North Shore? Send your letters to newsdesk@noosatoday.net.au